Your Comments
Here are just a few of the amazing comments we have had from parents, students and educational professionals. Our special approach has helped thousands of dyslexics and will continue to help many more to come.
” My son was assessed last year, the assessment was sensitively done, for a child who was traumatized by the whole process. The report is extensive, the assessment thorough and was realised in a short space of time in order to meet our deadline. It has enabled us to demonstrate to the school that our son needed alternative educational provision – he is now happily settled at ‘Rock Steady’and about to embark on an early entry apprenticeship. So I am extraordinarily grateful to you. Whilst school were previously flatly unprepared to consider dyslexia and refused to fund an assessment, they now constantly refer to your report at every stage of planning for him! It could not have been a better outcome for us. Thank you.”
“Joe has surpassed our expectations this year, he has improved all round. Coming to the dyslexia centre has helped him not only with his work but also coming to terms with being dyslexic. It makes him understand that he is not the only child with this problem. Many thanks to everyone at the dyslexic centre, without their efforts where would be?”
“Fiona and I wish to thank you and all the staff at the Centre for all the help and encouragement… the happy and relaxed approach made lessons fun and allowed her confidence to develop”
“I shall never forget the day I called in as rather bewildered (about probably near-to-tears!) parent, wondering where it was all going wrong!… I will always be grateful for the time you gave me then, and the subsequent benefits Rosie has received from attending the Centre”
“The amazing progress Jordan has made is undoubtedly down to the help that he has received from yourself and your staff at BDC”
“I was very dyslexic when I first started here with very little self-confidence. It’s thanks to Pat and all the other teachers that I was able to realise that I wasn’t stupid, I was just dyslexic and therefore can achieve anything I put my mind to even if I can’t always spell it. Thank you so much for all the help you gave me. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for you”
“We have, for many years, felt indebted to you and the Bristol Dyslexia Centre. This is doubly the case now”
“Thanks for organising the assessment for Elizabeth. She was apprehensive about it all but the assessor put her at her ease, and by the end of the morning Elizabeth felt quite encouraged”
“Jane and I would like you to know how grateful we are to you and your staff for the kind, sensitive way you have winkled the Mary we always knew was there out of her shell. it has been such a pleasure and relief to see her bouncing in and out of school, making real, solid progress and becoming happy again – all thanks to you”
“We have found the school most caring, helpful and extremely knowledgeable. I personally can’t thank you all enough for the positive impact that you have all had on my son’s education and life”
“Hollie has continued to do well she has grown so much in confidence. The very shy child who 18 months ago would no-longer speak at all in class as she found it difficult to formulate sentences in the correct order, stood for election to the school council and won… speaking in front of the whole class was something I thought she would never do. We are so grateful that she has found a lovely nurturing environment in your centre”